2019 Tournament Results
Team entry fee: $40.00 (lineage $19.00, prize $21.00)
9 pins or more on the first ball count as a strike for ladies
8 pins or more on the first ball counts as a strike for men
Team Handicap 90% of 400
Entrants shall use their highest USBC sanctioned league average in the following order:
A. 2018-2019 highest USBC book average (21 games or more)
B. 2017-2018 highest USBC book average (21 games or more)
C. Highest current USBC average of 15 games or more
D. Bowlers who do not meet these requirements shall
automatically be entered with a 175 average for men, 150 average for women
Bowl 3 games
Mixed doubles only
Enter as often as you like, but cash only once with the same partner. Prize fund returned 100%.
Pick up an entry form at Highland Bowl!!